
How to Add a Calendar Item in Gmail


This tutorial teaches the steps required to add a new event to the chapter Google Calendar.  Once an item is added to Google, it will be available to the front page Upcoming window.

1. Log into the Gmail Account.

Log into the morriscountynow@gmail.com account. This is done the same way as if you were going to read or send email

2. Change to Calendar Mode

In the upper right corner of the page locate the app selection 1. From the drop down, select Calendar 2.


3. Create the Date to Add

You will be presented with the calendar for the current month.

  1. Click on the date to be added. You may need to use the month navigation buttons < > to move to the desired month.
  2. Add a title. This will be the line of text that is shown in the condensed form of the calendar
  3. Set the time of the event, the start and end. This may also be an All Day event by checking the option as shown.



4. Set the Location and Event Information

After the date is set, begin entering the event detail

  1. Add the location of the event. This field is optional if the event is online or a zoom meeting
  2. Enter information about the event, what it is, what will happen, who will be speaking, etc. If this is an on-line or Zoom meeting, enter the link here.
  3. Attach any document, flyers, etc. Again, this is an optional field an can be left blank
  4. When done, click on “Save”.  You can always open the event to edit or change any information by clicking on it in the calendar.



5. View on Web Site.

After being saved, the event should appear on the web site. Note, there may be a delay for the update to show. You can speed this up by:

  1. Open the web page.
  2. Press the key combination CTRL-F5 to cause the page cache to be cleared and new data to be loaded.


 6. Edit An Event

To edit the event, open the calendar as in steps 1 and 2 above. Then:

  1. Click on the event to edit
  2. Click on the pencil. You will be to step 3 above.
  3. Optionally you can delete the event by clicking the trash can.



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