MLK Jr Day

Hoping for a meaningful MLK Jr. day for all of us as we continue to work for equality and justice for all.
- Jill LaZare

New Directions
New Directions for Women

All editions of our TV show, New Directions for Women, are archived in the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, it is available to historians, scholars, and students in perpetuity. Our program was chosen because of its content and technical level as well as because it is indicative of the many issues of concern to women in the late 20th and early 21st Century.
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"Feminist News and Views" Newsletter Available
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Feminist Views

Who Are The Barbarians?

During this election cycle, a cry goes up from the fearful masses, “The Barbarians are coming!”. This, however, begs the question, who are we and who the Barbarians? The Oxford English Dictionary[1] defines five meanings of the noun barbarian. 1. etymologically, A...

A Tale of Too (Many) Cities

A Tale of Too (Many) Cities “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times[1],” at no other time in history have we been more connected to others, yet hate still flourishes. “It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” we have the knowledge to cure...

The Party of Hobson

In the 17th century, Thomas Hobson owned a livery stable in England. Afraid that his customers would always choose the best horses and wear those out, he would give a choice to take the horse in the stall nearest the door or to not take one at all.¹ Today we...

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