NOW advocates for wide range of economic justice issues affecting women, from the glass ceiling to the sticky floor of poverty. These include welfare reform, livable wages, job discrimination, pay equity, housing, social security and pension reform, and much more.<
General Information:
- Fact Sheet: Women Deserve Equal Pay (4/09)
- See Also: Social Security
Take Action:
- Tell President Obama: Free The Pill From the Bishops!
- Sign a Petition: Pay Equity Now! (Download a PDF version for printing)
Latest News:
- Restaurant Industry Must End Pay Discrimination, Sexual Harassment of Tipped Workers (02/12)
- Open Letter to President Obama: NOW Urges 2012 Wake-Up Call for Nation (01/12)
- Tell President Obama: Free The Pill From the Bishops! (12/11)
- Letter Urges President to Reject Refusal Clauses (PDF) (11/11)
- Super Committee May Raid Your Social Security, Medicare Funds (11/11)
- NOW Blasts Super Committee’s Irresponsible Proposals (11/11)
- Leaders of Women’s Organizations Call on Congress to
Consider Legislation That Would Strengthen Social Security (10/11) - Tell HHS: Assure Access to Abortion Insurance Coverage (10/11)
- NOW Calls on HHS to Preserve Private Insurance Coverage of Abortion Care (PDF) (10/11)
- NOW Calls on TransUnion to Stop Sale of Employment Credit Reports (PDF) (10/11)
- NOW President Terry O’Neill Speaking at Rally & March (10/11)
- NOW Foundation: Better Wage Data Needed from Federal Contractors (PDF) (10/11)
- NOW Urges Congress: Pass a Major Jobs Bill NOW! (09/11)
- Tell Obama “Jobs, Not Cuts” (09/11)
- NOW Tells Congress: TANF in Need of Fundamental Reform (09/11)
- The Truth About the Debt Ceiling Agreement (08/11)
- Debt Ceiling Deal a Blow to Women’s Economic Security (08/11)
- Debt Deal Could Disproportionately Harm Women (07/11)
- The Federal Budget is A Feminist Issue: A Toolkit for Chapters and Activists (07/11)
- Respect, Protect, Reject 2012 (07/11)
- Leaders Call for Budget Deal to Address the Needs of Women; Cuts being proposed could impact those most vulnerable, including women, families, and seniors (07/11)
- Leaders of Women’s Organizations Urge President and Congress to Protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (07/11)
- Tell the President to Reconsider Bad Deal (07/11)
- Tell President Obama and Minority Leader Pelosi to Stand Firm Against Cuts (06/11)
- NOW Declares Emergency Rally for Women in the 2012 Budget Outside Senator Rubio’s Tampa Office Friday (06/11)
- Supreme Court to Women of Wal-Mart: You’re on Your Own (06/11)
- Here They Go Again — AARP Undermining Seniors’ Benefits (06/11)
- TAKE ACTION: Radical Budget Proposals Will Harm Economy and Hurt Women & Families (06/11)
- For-Profit College Practices Predatory for Women (06/11)
- Senate Rejects the Destructive House Budget (05/11)
- Leaders of Women’s Organizations Sign Letter to President Obama Calling for Meeting on Budget, Ask that Women be Included in Deficit Talks (05/11)
- Task Force on Older Women’s Economic Security to President: Women’s Issues and Voices Must Be Heard in Budget Talks (05/11)
- Take Action: Urge Senators to Vote Against Destructive House Budget Bill (05/11)
- House Escalates Savage Attack on Women’s Health (05/11)
- NOW Activists Demand: Don’t Make Us Work ‘Til We Die (05/11)
- It’s ‘Shock and Awe’ for Women, the Middle Class and the Poor (04/11)
- President Obama Pledges to Protect Social Security NOW Calls for Plan that Addresses Real Causes of Deficit (04/11)
- Gender Wage Gap, Current Threats to Economic Justice Linked (04/11)
- Social Security: Tell Your Senators to Oppose Benefit Cuts (03/11)
- We Are One: NOW Stands in Solidarity with Workers’ Rights and Human Dignity (03/11)
- On International Women’s Day NOW Calls for End to the “War on Women” (03/11)
- House Budget Wages “War on Women” (03/11)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Major Force Behind War on Women (02/11)
- Beyond Extreme: Defeat the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (02/11)
- NOW Looks Forward to ‘Sputnik Moment’ for Women (01/11)
- Abortion Rights in Jeopardy as Roe v. Wade Reaches 38th Anniversary (01/11)
- An Open Letter to President Obama on Social Security(PDF) (01/11)